I find it easy to upload and sync .ics files to the web based calendar, but getting the data to my phone wasn't working 100%.
First I used this webpage to set up a Sync using Activesync and Google.
But still quite a few calendar items were not showing up...for example the US holidays...then another calendar that I subscribed to didn't show up.
And by "show up" I mean it wouldn't sync to my phone...it was on the webpage but not on my phone.
There is not 'clean' way to do this, but the work around is to download the shared calendar you want to add to your calendar, then import that calendar back into your Google calendar.
It is clumsy but works.
Here are the directions.
That is what I did, and now all that stuff syncs to my phone...SOLUTION!!!!!!!!!
emtp211Level 1
ok this is how you do you import this calender to you calender its the US 2009 Holiday Calander once you do this you can sync and load the holidays to you device.
you can either use the link or download it to your computer and upload the calender to your own via HTML or FILE.
http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/usa__en% 40holiday.calendar.google.com/ public/basic.ics
...unfortunately there is no way to update the imported calendar...if the shared one changes, you have to re-import it, and remove the dupes yourself.
But it is better than either typing in each entry...or individually importing each entry.